Contact Us Today 979-703-7014

No Surprise Billing

At Peterson Law Group, we have adopted a fixed fee billing strategy. We want you to know on the front end what your matter will cost in attorney's fees. We think that is better for you than the traditional “bill by the hour” approach. So, at Peterson Law Group, we are killing off the billable hour. Here's why —

5 Reasons Fixed Fees Are Better For You

1.     No surprises.  Most attorneys charge for every single phone call or e-mail, even for the most mundane of items like scheduling a meeting. If you have ever opened a bill from a typical attorney, you were probably scared to death to open it and surprised at the charges when you did.  Not at Peterson Law Group.

2.     You won't be nickel and dimed to death.  Ever received a lawyer's bill where every single fax page was charged, every piece of copy paper was invoiced, long distance was totaled for the month, or the law firm's legal research costs were spread across several clients?  Not here.  We only charge for items that cost us directly for your case.  We don't charge you for our overhead.

3.     You don't need to be afraid to call or e-mail us. Because we do not charge by the hour, you never have to worry about the uncertainty that comes from an unpredictable hourly fee. Also, you are not inhibited from seeking timely advice for fear of an endlessly running meter (for example, you won't receive a $75 invoice for a 20 minute phone call or $25.00 for a single e-mail response).

4.     You are in control of your case.  Most of our fees are done in phases or stages.  You don't pay for a phase you don't want or need.  If you want to settle before that next phase is due, you can do just that.  You are in control.

5.     You can budget for them.  You know exactly what it will cost to pursue your case and when those fees will be due. You will know what you need to set aside each month to complete your matter.

If you want an attorney relationship that is focused on you and not on billable hours, give us a call at 979-703-7014 or 936-337-4681  or fill out our contact form

Peterson Law Group
979-703-7031 (fax)
Mon: 08:30am - 05:30pm
Tue: 08:30am - 05:30pm
Wed: 08:30am - 05:30pm
Thu: 08:30am - 05:30pm
Fri: 08:30am - 05:30pm
