A probate action is necessary when a decedent passes without a will. In such cases the estate is probated in court to determine appropriate heirs. It is important for an interested party to retain the services of an experienced probate attorney in College Station in such cases. Should you be a party to a probate action, you are considered a client.
Clients in Estates with Wills
Leaving one's estate to be distributed by a probate court is risky; the wishes of the decedent may not be understood, and assets may be deemed to individuals other than planned. A probate attorney in College Station has a full understanding of wills and can help you create one suited to your needs. In such as case you would generally name someone as executor.
When the decedent passes, his assets are then handled by the executor, who generally hires an attorney. The executor thereby becomes the client to a probate action. As client to the action, the executor's role is to represent the interests of the estate. His duty is to carry out the instructions in the will.
Who Can File a Probate Action
Once the probate process commences anyone who is a party of interest may file a probate action with the court. This individual needs to have a clear stake in the estate's settlement, such as a named heir. Generally, such actions are brought to call into question some facet of the handling of the estate in probate, such as a desire to remove the executor.
Contact a Probate Attorney for Legal Assistance
If you have a probate or estate concern, or need assistance with a probate action, call a probate attorney in College Station who will provide the highest quality of legal services. A probate attorney in College Station at Peterson Law Group will be happy to meet with you. Call 979-703-7014 to arrange a consultation.