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College Station Business Attorney discusses Breach of Contract Issues

Posted by Chris Peterson | Apr 01, 2013

A business attorney is particularly adept at helping you and your business should a contract dispute arise. Simply put, a breach of contract is the failure of an individual or entity to perform as agreed upon.

Types of Contracts

The nature of the contract will, to a large extent, be dictated by the matter it pertains to. Sales contracts are written differently from those for which a service is expected. However, all contracts have certain similarities; for instance, they will either be express or implied.

  • Implied Contracts: These are unwritten contracts for which a service, good, or service is presumed. Implied contracts are among the more challenging for your College Station business attorney to litigate. Generally, however, some form of physical evidence or witness exists to support the contract.
  • Express Contracts: These are contractual agreements supported in writing. An express contract is often drawn by a lawyer, or developed with wording that explicitly states its intent and legal enforceability.

It is not necessary for a contract to be in writing to be binding. For instance, Hollywood movie studios traditionally made significant agreements involving large sums of money on a handshake. However, the better advice is generally to put anything into writing that involves exchange of money or services. This will help protect your company from disputes over whether a contract existed in the first place.

Call a College Station Business Lawyer Today

If you are dealing with a breach of contract issue with a supplier or other entity, a College Station business attorney at Peterson Law Group may be able to help. Call 979-703-7014 today.

About the Author

Chris Peterson

Chris Peterson is the owner of Peterson Law Group. He practices primarily in the areas of wills, trusts and estate planning; probate and trust administration; elder law; and business law. Chris is also the owner of WealthBuilder 1031 Exchange Company.

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